The Covid Passport allows you to receive and store your encrypted test results for medical tests administered at the MobileMED locations or through our Mobile Testing Sites throughout the United States. The test administered is an FDA approved EUA test for detecting the presence of active Covid-19 infections. The test takes approximately 15 minutes to produce results from a quick nasal swap done by our medical professionals.
The Covid Passport will deliver the test results to your phone as soon as the results are rendered on the Quidel Sophia 2 analyzer.
First Name is not valid.
Last Name is not valid.
Zip is not valid.
County Name is not valid.
Email is not valid.
Password is not valid.
Date of Birth is not valid.
Mobile Number is not valid.
Please Select Race.
Please Select Ethnicity.
Please Select Gender.
License Name is not valid.
License Number is not valid.
License Expiry Date is not valid.
Please check your email for OTP
Email is missing
Incorrect OTP
Email/Password/OTP is missing
OTP is invalid or expired.Please request new OTP.
Password is reset.
Scanned Patient Id already exist.
Scanned Patient Id is not valid.